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72 Holes of Golf • Fort Worth, TX

Fort Worth Golf offers the golfer a quality, enjoyable, safe, and comprehensive golf program through four municipally owned golf courses, promoting golf as a lifetime sport. Each course has a unique layout designed to challenge every skill level.

The City provides facilities to promote golf skills, individual and group lessons, organizational services for tournaments, support for golf associations based at each course with the opportunity for tournament play on a regular basis.

Meadowbrook Golf Course  •  Pecan Valley Golf Course  •  Rockwood Park Golf Course

Click to View ADA Course Access Policy

Special Notices: 

Weather Notice, All Courses:

Due to next week’s below-freezing temperatures, we will begin covering the greens on Monday, February 17.
Below is our current covering schedule, which is subject to change with the changing weather:

Rockwood Park: Monday, February 17 (Begin covering greens at 12:00 p.m.)
Rockwood will then remain closed through Thursday, February 20

Pecan Valley, Hills: Monday, February 17 (Begin covering greens at 12:00 p.m.)
The Hills course will then remain closed through Thursday, February 20

Pecan Valley, River: Tuesday, February 18 (Begin covering greens first thing that morning)
The River course will then remain closed through Thursday, February 20

The courses will remain covered and closed for play throughout the week. Our projected reopening dates are as follows:
Rockwood Park: Friday afternoon, February 21
Pecan Valley, Hills:  Friday afternoon, February 21
Pecan Valley, River:  Friday afternoon, February 21


Pecan Valley:
The bridge on the River Course at Pecan Valley between #15 and #18 is currently out of order, making #15 a par 3 and #18 a par 5. Detours are posted on the course. 

Meadowbrook Golf Course is closed for renovations.


Golf Outings

Golf Outings

Annual Passes

Annual Passes

Golf Lessons

Golf Lessons

Ready to tee it up?

Upcoming Events

Sun, May 11, 10:30am: Mother's Day Brunch at Rockwood

In The News...

  • Feel the Love at Rockwood!

    Saturday & Sunday, February 14 & 15, 2025

    Enjoy Our Three-Course Valentine's Dinner

    Rockwood Park Golf Course

    Join us on February 14 or 15 at 6:00 PM for a 3-course Valentine's dinner accompanied by a live violinist.
    Reserve your table now by calling 817-392-6563

    Menu & Details


    Valentines Dinner Rockwood FB Event

  • Host Your Event at Rockwood!

    Host Your Event at the Course!

    Whether it's a family affair or a corporate celebration, our banquet room is the perfect place to host your gathering.
    Chef Branndon and our team are ready to make your next party a hit!

    Reserve your date with us today!
    Call 817-392-6563 or email Chef Branndon at Brandon.Green@fortworthtexas.gov


    Party 2


    Want to play more golf for less?

    city of fort worth

    City of Fort Worth Golf
    4200 South Freeway, Suite 2200
    Fort Worth, TX 76115